Book Endorsements

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Wake Up America–or Die!

YOU Must Save America & the Family

“It’s inexplicable. Much of the body of Christ naively fiddles while our unique American culture burns. We are experiencing the fastest cultural collapse in all of recorded history. Believers must be roused from chronic indifference to an uncompromising conviction and determination to stop and reverse America’s migration away from God. It can be done! Dr. Stebbins’ book, Wake Up America—or Die! YOU Must Save America and the Family, will inspire a movement of believers for such a time as this. Don’t miss it!”

Dean Matt Barber, J.D., Esq.–Founder/Editor-in-Chief

Liberty University School of Law—Associate Dean for Online Programs

Previously Concerned Women for America—Director for Cultural Issues

Frequent Columnist—National Media

Frequent Guest—National Television & Radio

“God Himself breathed life into the heart and soul of America.  Secular progressive seeds sown and nurtured in the 20th Century have grown into a thicket of moral depravity which threatens the American family, as well as other God-ordained institutions upon which our very existence as a nation depend.  Dr. Lloyd Stebbins’ book – a must read for the person who seeks national renewal – equips us to fight the culture wars which threaten future generations.  Now the rest is up to us, America.  If not now, then when?  If not us, then who?”

Major General Bob Dees, U.S. Army, Retired

President, Resilience Consulting

Author and Speaker, The Resilience Trilogy

Campaign Chairman, Carson for President 2016

Frequent Guest on National Television and Radio Broadcasts

“Dr. Stebbins has written an important and timely book, a much-needed wake-up call to our nation, as passionate and prophetic as it is practical. Read this book and be ignited! Our nation will be changed one life at a time, starting with you and me.”

Michael L. Brown, Ph.D.,

Host, The Line of Fire Radio show

President of Fire School of Ministry

Syndicated columnist

Author: 27 books

“An English colleague just wrote me: ‘Dr. Kinsey’s “scientific” data drove the sexual revolution which drove a social revolution which, in turn, has been driving a political revolution.  The changes in sexual mores are transforming the nature of society; which, in turn, determines the type of politicians and government ruling us.’ Dr. Stebbins exposes truth. The proof of a philosophy is in the fruit born by its tree. The fruit of the tree of the sexual revolution is not only factually, objectively rotten but toxic unto the fourth generation. If we are to find our way back it must be through an informed understanding of how we got here, and a prayerful battle for the future of our nation.”

Judith Gelernter Reisman, Ph.D. Research Professor, Director Liberty Center for Child Protection

Liberty University School of Law 

Author of Kinsey, Sex & Fraud; “Soft” Porn Plays Hardball; Kinsey, Crimes & Consequences; Stolen Honor, Stolen Innocence; and Sexual Sabotage;

Consultant to Four U.S. Dept. of Justice Administrations, the U.S. Dept. of Education, and the U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services;

Researcher, Trend Analyst, Frequent Speaker;

Expert Witness in Numerous trials and before the U.S. Senate

“Our beloved America is spiraling into an ever darkening abyss. If the situation does not turn around, what can we expect? Daniel Webster warned, ‘Miracles do not cluster, and what has happened once in 6000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution, for if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world.’ Daniel Webster knew something, namely, that from the beginning of the invention of writing around 3,300 BC with Sumerian “cuneiform,” that the most common form of government in recorded history is kings. Called by different names like Pharaoh, Caesar, Monarch, Sultan, and Tyrant, POWER inevitably gravitated into the hands of ONE PERSON, who ruled through fear. If you are friends with this person, you are more equal; if you are not friends, you are less equal; and if you are their enemy you are enslaved or dead—it’s called treason. The first nation that we have record of that attempted to rule itself without a king was ancient Israel. Around 1400 BC they came out of Egypt, entered the Promised Land, and for their first 400 years there was no king, no royal family to butter-up. Everyone was equal before the law, and the law said there is no respect of persons in judgment. This is the beginning of the concept of equality on planet earth! Israel had private land ownership, no police, no prisons, and no standing army as every man was armed. Ancient Israel had a bureaucracy-free welfare system where farmers left gleanings for the poor. Honesty, as the Lord hates unjust weights and measures, provided a basis for commerce. Israel was the first nation where everyone could read, as the priests not only taught people the law, they taught them how to read it. There is a spectrum of power: one side is total government with a king; the other side is no government, which produces anarchy, unless the people are taught to obey internal laws. But when Israel’s priests stopped teaching the law, every man did what was right in their own eyes, and in the resulting domestic chaos they got King Saul. Drill through today’s myriad of political machinations and find that the ultimate cause of virtually every cultural controversy is widespread indifference among Judeo-Christian believers. Dr. Francis Schaeffer blamed a collapse of American values on the blind pursuit of two elusive, ‘impoverished values,’ namely, ‘personal peace and affluence.’ Despite the warnings of Webster and Schaeffer, politicians and judges are increasingly ignoring the cultural anchor called the U.S. Constitution, because the people fail to hold them accountable. Dr. Lloyd Stebbins’ book concisely profiles America’s downward spiral. More importantly, he provides ten chapters of very practical means for capturing and activating individuals, families, churches, government, and the American culture. The time for restoration is now! This book is a must read for anyone who truly loves America.”

William J. Federer is a best-selling author, widely acclaimed speaker, and former U.S. Congressional Candidate. Bill has appeared on: CSPAN, FOX, Hannity & Colmes, O’Reilly Factor, NPR, MSNBC, ABC-Time Warner Affiliates, CBN, TBN, INSP, TCT, FamilyNet, FamilyLand TV, Coral Ridge Hour, 700 Club, AT&T Cable, Charter Cable, Danny Fontana Show, iLife TV, FOX Strategy Room with Brian Kilmeade, hosted CSPAN’s George Washington Book Festival-February 26, 2000, CTN with Herman & Sharron Bailey, Grizzly Adams Television Production documentaries, and numerous local programs as well as thousands of radio interviews.

Author of over 18 books, including several best sellers such as, “America’s God and Country: Encyclopedia of Quotations”

“In only a few decades, life in America has become indescribably more squalid, expensive, and dangerous—cultural decay is under way.  Dr. Lloyd Stebbins compellingly proves that the committed always conquer the complacent and that it is the rituals and restraints of Biblical faith that build commitment.  By boldly brandishing the banner of faith in the arena of cultural restoration, this important volume reveals the road map to recovery and brilliantly inspires each of us to play our part.  Every page carries valuable insights which will transform every reader.”

Rabbi Daniel Lapin,

Frequent Author: America’s Real War

President, American Alliance of Jews and Christians.

Regular speaker and national media guest

“Dr. Lloyd Stebbins accurately describes and beautifully illustrates America’s illness, and the practical solutions he provides will not only improve America but your own life.  Highly recommended.”

Dr. Frank Turek

President/Founder of

Frequent speaker, author or coauthor of four books, including, “I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist,” “Correct, Not Politically Correct,” and “Legislating Morality”

Hosts wkly TV program (DirecTV Chan. 378,) “I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist”

Syndicated radio program (186 stations) “CrossExamined with Frank Turek”

Widely featured on TV programs including “The O’Reilly Factor, Hannity and Colmes, Faith Under Fire, and Politically Incorrect.

Columnist for and several other sites.

“We can think of nothing more urgent at this critical hour than for believers to possess a Biblical worldview.  We’ve often said that Christianity is more than just a religion—it’s a comprehensive worldview that has all the answers to life’s most difficult problems.  Lloyd Stebbins hits the nail on the head with this powerful, educational, and insightful book. Since understanding begins at the earliest possible age, the book is particularly inspiring and motivational for home schooling and faith-based schools. We encourage people to not just read what he’s written, but to devour it!”

David and Jason Benham,

Authors of “Whatever The Cost” and weekly columns for

Award winning nationwide entrepreneurs

Frequent national media guests

“What is the greatest threat to America’s freedom today? In my opinion, it is the breakup of families. Throughout history, the unity of the family has been the backbone of all nations’ strength. Read Dr. Stebbins book and you’ll see what I mean. GOD must be America’s number one priority!”

Coach Bobby Bowden (Retired)

Record for Most Career and Bowl Wins by a Div. I FBS Coach

Florida State Seminoles

“Dr. Lloyd H. Stebbins’ book is a valuable contribution to the literature about the reasonableness of the Christian faith for life. He doesn’t write in theory; rather, he writes from the crucible of his own experience. As his former pastor at First Baptist Church, Jacksonville, Florida, I am pleased Dr. Stebbins is sharing his scholarship and Christian testimony in this way.”

Dr. Jerry Vines

Pastor-Emeritus, First Baptist Church, Jacksonville, Florida

Two-term President, Southern Baptist Convention

“In a bold synthesis of history, physical science, social science, and theology, Dr. Stebbins reveals momentous cultural transformations that challenge the twenty-first century church. Beyond diagnosing the problem, he also proposes a remedy for restoring Christian families and congregations in the new cultural landscape.”

Ryan C. MacPherson, Ph.D., Professor of History

Bethany Lutheran College

Author of Debating Evolution before Darwinism (2015) and

Rediscovering the American Republic (2013)

“Never before has anyone taken the subject of evolution and weaved it through all sectors of society in such a masterful way. The mindset that we are evolved and not created in the image of a holy, living God has been one of the greatest, if not sole reasons, for the loss of family, faith and values in America. Dr. Stebbins reveals this grievous error and provides solutions on how to reverse the damage.”

Dran Reese, President,

The Salt & Light Council

“Homeschooling two daughters for many years, bolstered the inescapable conviction that the future of America depends on the values Christian parents instill in their children. This simple, but vitally important truth has been a casualty of America’s rapid decline. The cultural deception is so pervasive that America is perilously close to going the way of every great civilization before us.

Wake Up America or Die! is a clarion call to Christian schools and home schooling families – you are the hope of America. Dr. Stebbins has not only outlined the problems facing this great nation, but he has identified many practical solutions. If we don’t get serious about America’s future, God’s protective hand will surely be removed. Wake Up America or Die! is prophetic—and sobering. Every Christian involved in the educational arena must read Dr. Stebbins’ book. Ignorance is not bliss—it’s treachery for our children’s future.”

Lorilyn Roberts

Homeschool Mother

Author of nine books, including the Seventh Dimension Series for Young Adults

15 literary awards, including 2015 Gold Award, Literary Classics, Faith Based Fiction

“Dr. Lloyd Stebbins most recent book is a powerful tool and resource for every home in our country, especially for families who are committed to a Godly perspective and a Biblical world view.  In the last twenty years, we have seen the erosion of the home in great measures. The decline of family life where meaningful values were once “taught and caught” is a problem we no longer can ignore. God is grieving over the unrest and break-up of the home.  Read his book. You will be enlightened with a new hope! Family and cultural transformations always begin with the understanding that the committed will conquer the complacent. Welcome to his world of being more committed to the revival of the home.”

Rev. Donald M. Smith

Lead Pastor

Winter Haven Nazarene (WHN)

Winter Haven, Florida

“I admire Dr. Lloyd Stebbins. The reason is he carries a burden for the work of the Kingdom. He has authored a very good book and spoken to very important topics for the Christian trying to navigate the troubles waters of our culture.

He has a keen understanding of the issues of our time and is thoroughly committed to challenging the ideologies of the world with Biblical worldview. This is his life’s work and a very worthy read. I thank God for men like him.”

Gregory V. Hall, Ed.D.


Warner University

Coauthor “Already Compromised”

“Dr. Lloyd Stebbins, with the unapologetic fury of a saint, dares to tell the truth about the overwhelming forces in our society that are moving us further and further away from God’s truth. Wake Up America or Die is a sobering wake-up call for all who cherish traditional values. This book also offers real hope because when our problems come sharply into focus, so do the solutions.

Jeff Winter, Pastor

First Presbyterian Church—Haines City

“Dr. Stebbins has written perhaps the most lucid book “destroying the wisdom of the wise and frustrating the intelligence of the intelligent” by presenting a blueprint for the renewal of human society.  The secularists will be flabbergasted, but the faithful will recognize this continuation of the tradition of Kuyper, Chesterton, Schaeffer, and Colson.”

Dr. Eric Dent

University Professor

“Like the Prophet Jeremiah, warning of impending doom, and lamenting over the consequences, Dr. Lloyd H. Stebbins hits the proverbial nail on the head in his book. He approaches the real heart of the matter, clearly delineating the problems with society and the issues facing America today.  What society can maintain a viable existence when faced with dysfunctional families, lack of morality, a humanistic and indoctrinating education system, and an overstepping government?

We only need to look back at the great civilizations and say, ‘Where are they today?’  Blessed with an abundance of charts, graphs, and statistics, coupled with wisdom and humor, Dr. Stebbins immerses the reader in a realistic discussion of where we are, where we need to go, and the hope we have in our Great Creator and Omnipotent God.  I especially appreciate how he looks to the Torah, in the Old Testament, for moral guidance and wisdom.  I highly recommend this book to those seeking truth and wanting answers to the life’s predicaments.”

Yossi Laster

Messianic Rabbi

Etz Chayim Messianic Synagogue

Lakeland, Florida

“Someone needed to write a book that would cast a vision for the transformational possibilities of a healthy and restored American culture. Dr. Lloyd Stebbins has done just that! In a straightforward, yet tender voice, Lloyd offers honest and hopeful wisdom on how to return to God’s gracious purposes for America’s families, culture, and government. This is not a trite tome filled with quick fixes and pat answers: just gentle wisdom laced with grace for those who understand the critical time in which we live. Lloyd has captured a truth we all crave, but fear to articulate. With engaging clarity he demonstrates, not just a description of the problems and challenges facing the American culture and family, but a robust blueprint toward a better future.”

Dr. Scott A. Pfingston


Willow Oak Assembly of God

“LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS is an outstanding resource for enhancing your home school program. The content spans the broad spectra of ages and curriculum: science, music, art, history, religion, social studies, and literature.

Discover and develop your children’s strengths, gifts and passions by aligning their views with God’s expansive, holistic world view. Dr. Stebbins demonstrates that everyone is a role model. Within just four generations each of your children’s lifelong pattern of foolish or wise choices will ultimately influence nearly 2 million people for evil or good. Dr. Stebbins’ book is a powerful tool for launching a rich pattern of God-honoring decisions.

As long as your children continually grow in godly character they will please Him, regardless of their vocational choice. Every vocation is a divine calling whether your child chooses to be a homemaker, a blue collar worker, or a white collar professional. It’s that simple and profound. Dr. Stebbins’ new book is intensely practical, down to earth and easy to use. It is a must for your family library. Use it often. You won’t regret it.”

Barb Mesh, M.Ed.

Home Education, Consultant, Speaker, Author

“My friend methodically unmasks the unintended consequences of America’s decades-old pursuit of secularism. Misguided leaders in politics, media, education, and entertainment have virtually removed any concept of the transcendental or the spiritual from many homes, the public classroom, industry, and society at large.

American life today is largely face-value, focused on self. There is no awe. There is no biblical aspiration to protect the inalienable rights which have been given to all people by our Creator, rights our government was purposefully designed to protect. Runaway secularism poses the single greatest threat to individual fulfillment, national prosperity, and America’s role as a world leader.

Dr. Stebbins zealously advocates a culture that guarantee that future generations will know the blessing of one nation under God – a blessing of unlimited potential. Dr. Stebbins proposes wise solutions to the problems that have undermined the source of our material, emotional, and spiritual prosperity – American values inspired by a purpose greater than self.”

Michael Shoffner

Founder and President

Jewish Learning Center

“Dr. Stebbins directly confronts vitally important contemporary issues and does so with refreshing candor and occasional humor.  His holistic approach to the critical matters facing the declining American culture and the family is particularly timely; it will inspire the reader to conduct an urgent soul search of the actions required to once again elevate Judeo-Christian values to their rightful place.  This book is a MUST-read!”

Karen Steverson MBA, JD, Esq.

Associate Dean

Regional University 

“In his new book Wake Up America—or Die! Dr. Stebbins makes an inspired case for a cooperative form of Christian Education. Instead of faith-based school competing with one another for enrollments, he brilliantly recommends that they work together nurturing one another to assist in the restoration of our passion for true freedom, the preservation of the family, and our American Culture. What a concept!!!”

Dr. Donald Royal


Heritage Christian Academy

Winter Haven, Florida

“Dr. Stebbins new work builds a wonderfully personal and powerful message from his deep commitment to truth and the authority of scripture. It will challenge you, teach you, and expand your thinking. Theologians, Pastors, and laypersons will all benefit from his work.”

Dr. Ed Kendrick

Lead Pastor

Heartland Church

“The overarching Biblical message is an invitation for you and me to be reconciled to God. Yet a multitude of pathways of self-destructive behavior are rapidly consuming America’s culture and the family unit. Stebbins’ urgent wakeup call is a must-read. He uniquely challenges the reader to understand the universal availability of God’s invitation and soulfully appreciate the incomparable splendor and magnitude of His reconciliation. A culture or family largely responsive to God’s invitation is more magnificent than anything the human mind can imagine.”

Yolie Ferrari

Homemaker, Realtor

9 thoughts on “Book Endorsements

  1. Randy Blankenship

    Congratulations on the new book! Extremely relevant and important subject matter in a critical time for the American family. I’ll look forward to seeing the entire text.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Randy. The entire text is about 415 pages. It takes about a year to engage a publisher and jump through all the publisher’s hoops before printing. I personally believe that the book’s message is extremely urgent. Keep watching the blog. There will be new blog messages about 2-3 times each week. Many of them will be excerpts from the book.


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  3. Dr. Stebbins, I am eager to have the opportunity to read your book. You are so full of knowledge and wisdom. From what I can see already, this book will be one for the ages. Good luck on publishing and God Bless you and all that you do. I will be following your blog closely.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Russell Gatlin

    G-d has inspired you with wisdom, insight, and knowledge. We are blessed to have you, and many others like you in America guiding our paths. Thank you very much. Shalom…

    Liked by 1 person

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