What TV shows are far better than American ones? (Part 2)

While The Ten Commandments in the first table (refer to Part 1 of this blog) exposes the differences between American and Asian entertainment, the second table reveals the effects of the glaring differences. Take a look! Once again, the flashing neon-like table needs no further amplification.

American Asian TV Ten Commandments 2

To the seasoned Western viewer, the tables may be intellectually satisfying and spiritually appealing, but may seem emotionally a bit wimpy, begging the question, “Exactly, what is the source of dramatic power in the Asian productions?” For there to be a struggle between good and evil, there has to be some form of evil.

In Asian TV dramas, the villain is not necessarily a murderous, unlawful villain; more often the “villain” is an unscrupulous emotional or spiritual villain resorting to various forms of skullduggery to break up love triangles. The most popular Asian TV dramas contain several overlapping love stories, because, “love covers a multitude of sins.” [1 Peter 4:8 NASB] For the sources of dramatic power in Asian TV dramas, here is the list:

  • The storylines are amazingly creative unlike anything American have been able to produce. American cultural decay has produced one-dimensional movie/TV characters with a keen intellect and a severely limited range of emotions. Asian TV still produces three-dimensional characters using the full range of God-given intellectual, emotional, and spiritual faculties.
  • Characters are fascinating, played by outstanding actors with endearing personal characteristics
  • Selected characters have a vibrant sense of humor, backed by a soundtrack that demonstrates musical humor
  • Drama aroused by conflicts and misunderstandings regarding ordinary and major life obstacles (romance, competition, illness, injury, separation, death)
  • Rich interpersonal relationships among the characters fully engage the viewer
  • Dramatic satisfaction is rooted in compelling illustrations of applying Biblical principles, producing the best possible results
  • In a love triangle, the leading man invariable ends up with the girl who routinely meets the needs of others.
  • Many scenes varying from heart-warming or heart-wrenching to heart-breaking, but nearly always reflecting positive character goals
  • Dialogue exhibits amazing wisdom in ordinary and challenging situations—characters seem to say precisely the right thing at exactly the right time. The expressions of rightness paint spectacularly beautiful word pictures
  • Most characters, other than villains, are positive role models. Even the villains repent by the end of the series.

American movies/TV routinely and aggressively break all ten of the commandments and then celebrates the outcomes. Asian TV celebrates godly virtues and character building.

So why not follow the Apostle Paul’s admonition, “…whatsoever things are true…honest…just…pure, whatsoever things are lovely…good report…think on these things.” Why not entertain ourselves with the good and the beautiful, rather than the sleazy, ugly, and evil. We cannot continue injecting ourselves with a dose of evil every time we turn on the TV or go to a movie.

If you have never seen any of the Asian dramas, you must try at least one. If you are curious, try “Autumn’s Concerto” (Taiwanese), “Descendants of the Sun” (South Korean), or “Tomorrow’s Cantabile” (South Korean). They are available on Netflix and other common outlets.

What does it take to wake up the body of believers?

What does it take to wake up the clergy?


6 thoughts on “What TV shows are far better than American ones? (Part 2)

  1. I gave up watching TV 30 years ago. My eldest, then two wanted my attention, and my lady complained about the sex and violence. So I just angrily through the TV in the trash.

    I did not do a great job of controlling my temper, but I have not regretted the decision.

    Anyway, I am not familiar with Asian TV, but I suspect a better quality of entertainment would ease the spread of the Gospel. When people fill their skulls with garbage, it is difficult to get past that rubbish, particularly when they think it of value and won’t let go.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Great thoughts, Tom. Perhaps many of the rest of us would be better off without TV. Although you’ve given up commercial TV, you seem to be making vibrant use of interactive TV (computer, Internet), but of course you can control that.

      The spiritual component of Asian TV dramas is clearly evident and very powerful.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Sort of like American TV once upon a time that seems like a fairy tale now.

        I look at the world. I theorize, but when it comes right down to it, I cannot answer the question: “How did that happen?”

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Tom, there is an eternal battle between good and evil in the spiritual world, which is manifested in our physical world. Growing up a long time ago, that statement seemed abstract and theoretical. Today, the in-your-face, compelling evidence is inescapable. We see it in the news daily.

          Liked by 1 person

  2. A great deal of American programming reflects the materialistic culture, placing enormous emphasis on sex. There are exceptions. PBS and the History Channel come to mind. I am unfamiliar with Asian television, so have difficulty making the comparison. Would you credit the Buddhist influence for the distinction?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Actually, South Korea and Taiwan today seem to be more Christian than America. The Asian TV dramas I view are on Netflix. While there may occasionally be a reference to a “temple,” the most important events like weddings are always shown in a Christian church. The dramatizations of the weddings are usually comprehensive and meaningful, unlike American entertainment where weddings are given a shallow treatment or in some cases even ridiculed.

      PBS leans liberal; the History Channel has a tendency to mingle rewritten and actual history. The viewer must be careful.

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