DNA Science is Unraveling Darwin’s Theory of Evolution

The best most concise summary I’ve seen.

Christ Centered Teaching


Sorry Darwin.
There is no model in science for increasing information through natural selection. Darwin assumed there was.
Modern science proves natural selection loses information and results in degradation. Subtraction cannot result in addition.
You just can’t get 3.2 billion bits of genetic information code in every strand of human DNA that way.
But then if we see a red octagon shaped sign with STOP written on it, we would never assume it got there by random time plus matter plus chance. We would know an intelligent being put that information there.
We have God’s signature in our cells. We know it as DNA. Information with order. Words with meaning.
That is intelligence.

Of Jesus Christ, John’s Gospel says,

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

“He was in the beginning with God.”

“All things were made through Him, and without…

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23 thoughts on “DNA Science is Unraveling Darwin’s Theory of Evolution

  1. Good question. Actually, DNA refutes evolution. Chemistry can explain the structure of the DNA double helix, but cannot explain the three billion bits of coded information in the rungs of the twisted ladder we call DNA. The massive code would require multiple encyclopedia-sized sets of books to print out in hard copy.

    Just 5% of the DNA codes for 100,000 different proteins in the body, ranging from 50 – 35,000 amino acids that must be in a precise sequence for the protein to be functional. For a single one of your 50-100 trillion cells to manufacture just one protein, code must be extracted from a precise position on the DNA. The cell must know which protein is needed and where to find the code on the DNA. The portion of the DNA must be opened for access, process that requires multiple enzymes. The code must be transcribed from DNA language to RNA. Cutting and splicing is required to mature the RNA. At a ribosome (protein manufacturing plant), the DNA language must be translated into protein language, a bit like translating English into Chinese. Another form of RNA must bring specific amino acids to the ribosome in a specific sequence for the protein to be manufactured.

    The rest of the DNA codes for many other processes including:

    1) Body plan–You look like you instead of a cow..
    2) Construction sequence–In your mother’s womb you were assembled in a particular sequence much like a house must be constructed in a particular sequence.
    3) Cell differentiation–As you grew from a single cell, information was required to tell one cell it would become a skin cell, another would become a kidney cell, another would become a heart cell, etc.
    4) Process regulation–The are thousands of processes in each cell that must be started, stopped, proceed faster, or proceed slower.

    Such a mind boggling level of complexity could not possible evolve by time, chance, and necessity alone no matter how many zeroes you place in an astronomical number of years. Massive amounts of information are required to operate even a single cell.

    The mere observation that there are some similarities between the DNA in man and the DNA in certain animals does not come close to proving evolution. It’s merely an interesting observation.

    Darwin observed the ability of a particular species (finches) to adapt to changing environmental conditions. The is no defensible evidence that one species ever changed or evolved into another species. There have been several fraudulent attempts to “prove” such. Finally, the theory of evolution does not in any way explain the creation of the first living cell. Life simply does not spring from non-life.

    Hope this helps.

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  2. Dr. Frances S. Collins participated on the human genome project, which mapped the sequence of nitrogen bases along the DNA molecule. Although the project mapped the code, only a portion of the code has been deciphered. Research since the project has demonstrated that there is no such thing as “junk DNA.” Today’s research is expanding with explosive speed.

    Dr. Collins was a skeptic who became a Christian believer. We published a book entitled, “The Language of God.” It is Collins’ depiction of the DNA language as well as his personal story. In the book he said, “Science is not threatened by God; it is enhanced. God is most certainly not threatened by science.” He also quoted Albert Einstein, “Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind.”

    Evolution can never be proven due to the massive uncertainties. As such, it will continue to be debated for a long time to come. Clearly, evolution cannot happen in any form without God. It is the role of God that makes evolution so controversial. Of course many creationists continue to believe in the literal Genesis account.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. thematrixq

    Are you talking about the God of the Old Testament Yahweh/EL? if so…

    What proof do you have he created anything outside of what’s written in the bible?

    How do you know that this god is the creator?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. God is evident in two books: 1) the book of revelation (The Judeo-Christian Bible–He reveals himself to us directly) and 2) the book of nature. Evolution can never be proven, but it can be shown to be impossible apart from God. For over a century it’s been believed that the universe is made up exclusively of matter and energy. A growing number of scientists are becoming convinced that the universe has a third component. The universe is made up of matter, energy, information.

    The are massive amounts of communication occurring in each of the 50-100 trillion cells in the human body and among the various body parts. The enormous amount of information coded in DNA is merely the starting point. Information can no more spring from nothingness any more than life can spring from nonlife. Where does the information originate? To any reasonable person, it must come from God. Science cannot even begin to explain the origin of information.

    For over 25 years, the intelligent design researchers have demonstrated repeatedly in many books the necessity of intelligent intervention in creation. A self-proclaimed atheist from Princeton university, Dr. Bradley Monton, often appears on the same stage as the intelligent design scientists. Dr. Monton published a book entitled, “Seeking God in Science: An Atheist Defends Intelligent Design.” (2009) He effectively argues that your can agree or disagree with the intelligent design folks. That’s your choice. But one thing you cannot do in an intellectually defensible way is claim that what they are doing is not science. The proceed with their work very thoughtfully and follow very specific scientific protocols.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. thematrixq

    Who is the author of the Book of Revelations?

    What is the process of revelation? Please explain how Yahweh /El (if we agree that this is the god we are talking about) Yahweh /El reveals himself.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. In the context of this discussion, the book of revelation is the entire Bible. One of the books contained within it is Revelation, the last of the collection of books that are included in the Bible.

    Yes, we are talking about Yahweh/El. He reveals himself through the Bible. Other religions are man’s attempts to find God. Judeo-Christian tradition is God revealing Himself through Scripture.

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  7. thematrixq

    “Yes, we are talking about Yahweh/El. He reveals himself through the Bible…” So he reveals himself by someone reading the bible?

    The writers of the bible are unknown so Yahweh/El reveals himself in the bible from the writings of unknown men. Correct?

    Why should we trust these unknown men or women?


  8. The writers of the books of the Bible are largely known. Some are uncertain. Either way, the writers are have been inspired by God. As such, the Bible is God’s written Word, considered by most believers to be the inspired, inerrant, Word of God. Why? Many reasons, but here’s just two:

    The Bible was written over about a 1500 year span, by more than 40 authors, from every walk of life, including kings, military leaders, peasants, philosophers, fishermen, tax collectors, poets, musicians, statesmen, scholars, and shepherds. It was written in times of war and sacrifice as well as in times of peace and prosperity. It was written in a variety of different moods and parts were written on three different continents and in three languages. It was written in a variety of literary styles. Yet, God’s message of love and redemption is seamless from Genesis to Revelation.

    In addition, the message of the Bible has changed the lives of hundreds of millions of people throughout the ages. Only God to do such things.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thematrixq

      “The writers of the books of the Bible are largely known.” Which ones?

      ” Either way, the writers are have been inspired by God.” How do you know that?

      The writers of the bible say they are or were inspired by god and a later writer(unknown) says that the earlier writers were inspired by the god Yahweh they wrote about. So it’s a circular internally verifying document correct?


  9. thematrixq

    “The Bible was written over about a 1500 year span, by more than 40 authors, from every walk of life, including kings, military leaders, peasants, philosophers, fishermen, tax collectors, poets, musicians, statesmen, scholars, and shepherds. It was written in times of war and sacrifice as well as in times of peace and prosperity. It was written in a variety of different moods and parts were written on three different continents and in three languages.”

    Does that mean everything in it is true? If I found another book that met that criteria would it also be true?

    Liked by 1 person

  10. You selected only a portion of my message without context. The variability of the sources does not establish truth, but the seamlessness does establish credibility. There are a number of reasons the Bible is revered as truth and considered God’s inspired Word. One of them is the many millions of changed lives down through the centuries. People have gone from the gutter to become respected leader or just beloved family members.

    For much more, consider Josh McDowell’s book, “The New Evidence that Demands a Verdict” (750 pages) or “How Do We Know the Bible is True?” by Ken Ham and Bodie Hodge.


  11. thematrixq

    Exodus 33:11 (ESV)
    11 Thus the Lord used to speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend. When Moses turned again into the camp, his assistant Joshua the son of Nun, a young man, would not depart from the tent..

    English Standard Version John 1:18
    No one has ever seen God; the only God, who is at the Father’s side, he has made him known.

    Do you see a contradiction here?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No contradiction there. In Exodus 33:11, “face to face, as a man speaks to his friend,” speaks of an attitude or a personal closeness of the relationship between Moses and the Lord. Note that in verses 9 and 10, although the Lord was there “in person” He spoke from a “cloudy pillar.” Moses didn’t actually see the face of God, which would be consistent with John 1:18 and other similar passages.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. thematrixq

        So he spoke to him face to face as a man speaks to his friend but he didn’t actually see the face of god because you added your interpretation that it speaks of an attitude or a personal relationship so that it can be consistent with a later verse that says the exact opposite and clearly contradicts the earlier verse.


        1. “Face to face” simply means in person. It doesn’t necessarily mean one human face confronted with another human-like face that is the face of God. In context, God is referred to speaking from a “cloudy pillar.” It’s not my interpretation. It’s simply the Biblical context.

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